Speaker (E1)

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# This schema is a test for a speaker at a NOSAD event
# see https://github.com/salgo60/NOSAD-POC-Wikidata/issues/18
# * 
# * 

PREFIX od: <https://oswald.wikibase.cloud/entity/>
PREFIX odt: <http://oswald.wikibase.cloud/prop/direct/>
PREFIX xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>

start = @<Speaker>

<Speaker> EXTRA odt:P12 {
 odt:P12   [ wd:Q97 ]  ; # instance of speaker
 odt:P14   . + ; # organisation
 odt:P17.  . * ; # Linked in
 odt:P29  . * ; Email
 odt:P31   . * ; # Sveriges Data portal user
 odt:P32   . * . #GITHUB username